Hello I’m Sarah, aka Pip!

I love long walks on the beach, hiking in the woods, and watching sunsets (lol, had to put it in there)!

The idea of “Pip’s” started when I was one of two women in a professional kitchen crew and I made the mistake of wearing my hair in pigtail braids to work one day. Thus was born the nickname Pip (shortened version of Pippi Longstocking). On that day I vowed I would show them all by taking a playful nickname and turn it into an empire. While the whole empire part has not developed quite yet Cakes by Pip is the first step in this direction!

I have a background in Culinary Arts and Education but have always had a passion for baking. One of my earliest memories is nervously presenting a freshly baked apple crisp to friends and family and awaiting their approval and critique of the dish. I still relate to that little girl when presenting a client with a cake. I love looking at the expression of joy when the client sees their ideas come to life.

Cakes by pip became a passion hobby in 2016 when I made my first wedding cake for my Grandmother. The cake had so many flaws and I laugh every time I look back at it but it was the cake that got me hooked.

From there I stuck to making heavy fondant covered creations that tasted quite good once you got through the thick layer of fondant surrounding them. Since then I have said my goodbye to relying on fondant and shifted my focus to adding in a passion for art to create beautiful cakes with deliciously smooth buttercream frosting and handcrafted accents.

PIPS in its form today was birthed out of necessity after being laid off from my corporate L&D job in 2020 during the pandemic. Prior to my corporate days I was out in the kitchen world cheffing it up. I have a Masters in Culinary education and a strong passion for all things food and food access! I have the most amazing partner -I know *gush* - who has supported me leaping forward into every crazy idea that’s come up. I am also the mom of two pretty wild, slightly feral, incredibly smart and funny kids that are my world. All in all I am just a person who is passionate about sharing art, joy, and togetherness through food

While I am not baking away I am involved as a co-founder and Board Member of the Belchertown Community Alliance, Inc. We are working hard to bring economic development while acknowledging and preserving Belchertown's history through engaging in restorative justice practices and community inclusion.

I hope you choose Pip’s to be part of your next celebration! The way I see it you can celebrate anything - a Birthday, Anniversary, it’s Wednesday…..I would love to help make your day special!

Contact Pip